Red House Glass Cone lit up to support carers

The Red House Glass Cone, near Stourbridge, was lit up blue and green as part of the weekly 'Clap for Carers' movement.

The Red House Glass Cone was lit up blue and green on Thursday night. Photo: Brandon Holloway

The visitor attraction, in Wordsley, was lit up at 8pm on Thursday.

The Red House Glass Cone was lit up blue and green on Thursday night. Photo: Brandon Holloway

The blue represents NHS workers, while the green is for social care staff, care providers, local government staff and those in the voluntary sector.

The Red House Glass Cone was lit up blue and green on Thursday night. Photo: Brandon Holloway

It is hoped the lit up visitor attraction will also remind people of the need to follow Government advice on social distancing.

The Red House Glass Cone was lit up blue and green on Thursday night. Photo: Brandon Holloway

Dudley Council House and Himley Hall are also being lit up in blue and green every evening until further notice.