Lost property at Birmingham venue benefits charities across the world
Unclaimed lost property left at Town Hall Symphony Hall Birmingham during 2019 has been donated to local organisations.

Last year, hundreds of hats, scarves, walking sticks, water bottles, ties, waistcoats, jackets, shirts, shoes, handbags, umbrellas and spectacles were left behind at the venues.
Now Town Hall Symphony Hall (THSH) staff, ICC Security colleagues and partners at Colmore BID have found new homes for these everyday items.
Many of the clothes were donated to Colmore BID’s nominated charity, SIFA Fireside Homeless, which enables homeless and vulnerable people in Birmingham to take control, paving the way for healthier, fulfilling lives.
Other items of clothing were donated to Suited for Success, which provides free high-quality interview clothes, styling and interview preparation skills for unemployed men and women in Birmingham who have a confirmed job interview.
Spectacles and glass cases were given to Specsavers for Vision Aid Overseas, which has been helping some of the world’s poorest people to see clearly for over 30 years by providing affordable eye care services.
The remaining items were donated to Cancer Research UK, whose pioneering work into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer has helped save millions of lives.
Jane Cooper, head of operations for THSH, said: “We keep lost property for 28 days, and have worked with our colleagues from The ICC Security Team and Colmore BID to find new homes for these items that will support local charities and people in need”.
Louise Walker, facilities manager at The ICC, said: “We are pleased that we can support Symphony Hall Birmingham in their lost property operations. It’s fantastic to know that the unclaimed lost property items collected throughout 2019 have been donated to such good causes”.
Colmore BID executive assistant, Claire J. Smith, said: “We at Colmore BID would like to thank THSH for donating their lost property to us, as the charities we have given to have benefitted so much from items that would have normally just been thrown away. We look forward to doing this again as an ongoing venture”.