Express & Star

Underwater love blossoming at Birmingham's Bear Grylls Adventure - with video

Love might be in the air for some of us this Valentine’s Day, but for this unlikely pair at The Bear Grylls Adventure, love is o-fish-ally blossoming underwater.

Wibke and Megatron

In a series of videos, the attraction’s resident grouper fish, Megatron, can be seen taking a shine to Wibke Jensen, display curator who looks after the creatures in the dive tank at the attraction.

Teaming with more than 1,000 sea creatures, including sharks and rays, The Bear Grylls Adventure tropical tank has been home to Megatron since it opened to the public and his fondness for Wibke was evident from the start.

Megatron, who tends to shy away from other creatures and humans in the tank, is a completely different fish around Wibke and has even been known to roll over to have his belly stroked representatives from the attraction have said.

Talking about the friendship, Wibke says: “Fish aren’t generally known for showing affection, particularly when it comes to humans, but Megatron is a big softy at heart and he seems to love a bit of care and attention when I’m in the tank with him.”

For more information and to book tickets to the Bear Grylls Adventure, click here.