Express & Star

Pub of the year award presented to Sedgley's Beacon Hotel

A pub of the year award has been presented to Sedgley's Beacon Hotel.

John Corser, left, presents the pub of the year award to Simon Massey and manager Alex Marchant

The pub in Bilston Street won the Dudley and South Staffordshire branch of the Campaign for Real Ale’s annual pub of the year award for the tenth time.

It came out on top in judging by branch members of four finalists.

Branch members visited the Beacon and chairman John Corser presented the certificate, which had gone on display in the pub, to Simon Massey, director of Sarah Hughes Brewery and the Beacon Hotel.

He said that the Beacon scored highly for the quality of its beer and was also given good marks for its style and cleanliness, welcome and alignment with CAMRA principles.

The brewery at the back of the pub recently won the Champion Winter Beer of Britain award from CAMRA for its eight per cent Snowflake ale.

Mr Massey said he was delighted for the recognition of the Beacon.

"The pub of the year award is down to the whole team here at the Beacon Hotel," he said.

The Beacon, which is Grade II listed, dates from about 1850.

Snowflake was also the beer of the festival at the Dudley Winter Ales Fayre in 2023 and was the first beer to sell out.

The 2024 festival will also feature Snowflake – a cask will be on sale each day – and the brewery's Dark Ruby Mild.

The winter ales fayre will take place in Dudley Town Hall from November 28 to 30 with the number of beer supped to 72 this year.

The eight per cent ale, which is produced ready for Christmas each year, was also the beer of the festival at the Dudley and South Staffordshire branch’s Dudley Winter Ales Fayre at Dudley Town Hall in November where it was the first beer to sell out.

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