Express & Star

The Big Debate: Cats vs Dogs

Cats or dogs – which make the ideal pet? Heather Large and Dan Morris champion the cause of their four-legged friends.

Cats vs dogs - this is going to get ruff...

Heather Large: Cats all the way

There are cat people, dog people and those who would happily welcome both animals into their home.

I've always been a cat person. My family had three cats while I was growing up - Jasper, a black and white former stray, and two brothers, Angus and Moses, who we had from kittens.

My husband and I now have a black and white moggie named Oreo who makes us smile every day with her cute antics.

People often describe cats as being aloof and anti-social because of their independent nature. But that has never been my experience.

Oreo, in particular, absolutely loves company, fuss and attention. If we are cooking tea, she's playing with one of her toys in the kitchen, if we are watching TV, she's curled up on one of our laps.

When we come home from the office, or even just a quick visit to the supermarket, she nearly always greets us at the door.

I like dogs but I think I will always be a cat person. There is nothing better than a cat purring on your lap after a long day.

Dan Morris: Pooch is always pleased to see me

In the words of the late, great Elvis Presley, I ain’t nothing but a hound dog, and it’s with my fellow pooches that my loyalties lie.

Of course dogs make better pets than cats. I mean, please...

Dogs are loving, perpetually pleased to see you, cuddly and fun. Cats may be graceful, sleek and handsome – but they know it, and they just don’t need you like a mutt does.

The bond between man and dog is one of the most wonderful in the world, and I personally just don’t think you can get the same connection with their feline counterparts.

Sure, dogs are messy, dogs need walking, and dogs may leave your furniture in tatters. But as many a police pooch handler will tell you, a dog will literally take a bullet for you. I find it hard to picture a cat doing the same.

There was an old sign I once saw in a card shop that said ‘A home without a dog is just a house’. I completely agree.

Sure, with a toddler and a two-year-old black Lab ruling the roost at Morris Manor, its a madhouse. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Knowing at the end of the working day that, no matter what is going on in the world, there is one living creature who will always be nothing less than delighted to see you is a powerful thing.

That’s my mutt to me, and he’s worth all the kittens at the cattery.