The Big Debate: Sandwiches – how do you cut yours?
When it comes to making a sandwich, there is one important question: Triangles or rectangles?

Heather Large: Triangles all the way
It’s a scientific fact – sandwiches cut into triangles taste better because you get more filling per bite.
Several research studies have confirmed that cutting the bread this way makes eating your sarnie more enjoyable.
They are also better to look at, making them more appealing that any cut into rectangles.
And they are an important part of our nation’s food culture – no buffet worth its name will ever include sandwiches cut into rectangles.
If a friend pops over for a quick bite to eat and a catch-up, surely you are more likely to cut the bread diagonally? A triangle is just so much easier on the eye.
Did you know there is a British Sandwich Week? Organised by the British Sandwich & Food to Go Association, it takes place every May to celebrate one of the favourite forms of fast food.
And if you take a look at the logo for this prestigious national event, what does it feature? A triangle sandwich.
This year’s celebration week included new research on the top 10 most-loved sandwich fillings. Topping the list was chicken followed by cheese while bacon finished in third place.
But this is probably a whole other debate for a different day. I’m off to make myself a tasty sandwich.
Dan Morris: Rectangles rule
There’s three ways you can go with cutting a sandwich – rectangle, rectangle or rectangle.
This is how granny did it, and it’s good enough for me. But, my reasons for loving an oblong butty go way beyond affection for the family matriarch.
Firstly, it’s all about practicality. A rectangular sandwich is sturdier, with the structure created by the bread a lot more reliable when in your grip. Crucially, this means what? That you can get more filling between the slices without it dropping out when handled.
Let’s talk proper sandwiches for a minute. Ever tried to eat a heartily-loaded bacon, sausage and egg sarnie that’s been cut into triangles? Ever managed it without losing at least one Lincolnshire? I thought not. If you’re going to enjoy a big lad’s sandwich, it’s got to be strong. Why do you think they don’t bother with triangles in greasy spoons? Because they know what’s important folks, and when we’re talking sandwiches, it isn’t presentation – its quantity and taste, and with those things, functionality. The bread is a vessel to get all of that beautiful filling to your belly – give it half a chance and keep it with the number of right angles that God intended.
Triangular butties are dainty, delicate and refined – all adjectives that have absolutely no place in describing the perfect sandwich.
Richly-filled, robust, and rectangular. Textbook.