The Big Debate: Is it time yet to step into Christmas?
Is it too early to be thinking about Christmas? Our writers go head-to-head:

Caroline Jones: 'Absolutely yes!'
Of course, I understand the need for businesses to start planning and make the most of the money-making window but everyone else... please stop! Stop it now!
When I pop to the shop to pick up the four items I popped to the shop for the previous day but forgot to buy after spending £56.32 on things that I absolutely did not need, I just want to pop to the shop, be grumpy about spending more money and leave.
I do not want to be held up by people browsing the Christmas gifts and distracted by festive music, shiny things and Christmas chocolate... mmm Christmas chocolate.
We all love Christmas - just not in November! I love the annual tradition of being drunk on Baileys by 9am, being too full of chocolates to want my dinner and my 10am drunken rendition of Lonely This Christmas. It's an absolute hoot for all involved. Honest.
But the celebrations seems to start earlier each year and by the time the big day comes around I am so tired of it I just want it to be over.
I have already seen houses decorated in Christmas lights, the panic that I am not yet panic buying like everyone else is kicking in and I have just seen a limited edition Baileys that I need in my life.
Maybe I should just give in, get the Christmas tunes on, decorate the dog in tinsel and get over myself...
Someone pass me the Baileys and microphone...
Matt Panter: 'Definitely not!'
Ah Wizzard. I’m with you all the way.
I wish it could be Christmas every day!
Well perhaps not every day but I do love to see people getting in the mood for Christmas early doors.
Now this probably depends on the way you approach the festive period in the first place. If it stresses you to the hilt, if you feel the need to deliver absolute perfection in terms of the gifts you buy or the festive meal you cook, then I imagine the thought of Christmas starting at any point might send you into despair.
I’m a stress-head myself but, where Christmas is concerned, I like to embrace my inner Buddy the Elf. Let's face it, there's a lot of doom and gloom about so a bit of festive cheer goes a long way.
It’s about lowering the expectation and just enjoying it for what it is – a time to mix with friends and family and generally have a good time.
I love the build-up to Christmas Eve, seeing houses adorned with bright lights, bells and baubles on display in shops, brass bands playing carols. Decorations wise, although I personally leave them until December 1, I totally appreciate why people want to start putting them up early.
I never understand those who put their tree up on, say, Christmas Eve and then take it down just after Boxing Day. You take the trouble to get it out of the loft and decorate it, so you might as well enjoy it for a few weeks.
And, therefore, Slade, Mariah, Nat King Cole, Shakin Stevens and co have all had their first airing in my house this week and my first mince pie has been eaten.
And I certainly don’t need an excuse to indulge in a glass of Baileys. So, all I have to say is, let the bells ring out for Christmas!