TV comedian backs campaign to help Stourbridge comedy venue amid land dispute
A television comedian has thrown his weight behind a campaign to help an entertainment venue in Stourbridge that is struggling amid a land dispute.

Russell Kane played two 'secret gigs' this week at Katie Fitzgerald's in Enville Street. The venue is currently subject to a crowd funding campaign due to a land dispute and its owners say the process is taking its toll on the business.

It is owned by couple Trina Keane and Eddy Morton who previously ran it as a pub before turning it into a concert venue.
Kane was invited by Black Country comedian Wayne Beese, who hosts his Funny Beeseness comedy club at the venue, which has existed as a pub since the 1900s.
The fund, which had a target of £5,000 was reached by Kane putting the final £10 in – the money will be used to cover work needed to be done outside the venue amid the dispute.