Express & Star

'Ho, Ho, No!': Critics take a dim view of Shifnal's Christmas lights

For years, a Shropshire town has been renowned for its spectacular Christmas lights display, earning it the title of the most festive town in the Midlands.

Charlie Parker in front of the 'Merry Christmas' sign with some of the lights not working

But this year's lights display in Shifnal is more 'no, no, no' than 'ho, ho, ho' according to some disgruntled residents, who have given them a decidedly lukewarm reception.

Charlie Parker, 34, said he was hugely disappointed to see the decline of the festive display from when BBC Midlands Today viewers voted it the most festive town in the Midlands in 2004. The following year, presenter Shefali Oza turned out for the switch-on ceremony.

Shefali Oza at the switch-on of the Christmas lights in 2005

Mr Parker said: "So many people were so disappointed when they saw this year's lights display.

"We had the best Christmas lights display in the area for 30 years, but now only four parts of the town have been lit up."

He criticised the switch to LED lighting, and described a metal Christmas tree as a 'pile of trash'.

The "Merry Christmas" sign which was once a landmark feature on the railway bridge, had now been moved to the side of the Co-op, with several bulbs gone so that it could not even be read, he added.

The display has become something of a talking point on the Shifnal Matters Facebook page.

Charlie Parker is not happy with the metal Christmas tree

Emmet Leonard said: "Very poor showing of a Christmas light display, even the tree at Patons is very dismal looking."

Tracey Smith said the volunteers had worked hard to make the switch-on successful, but was not impressed by the display.

"The lights in the town are abysmal," she said. "Just a few on the shop walls. Where are the ones strung across the road, or on the railway bridge?"

Ruth Evans, who was one of the volunteers involved with the 2004 display, also said she was slightly disappointed by this year's effort.

"Hopefully the council will make an effort next year to make Shifnal the most festive town in the Midlands again."

Shifnal's Christmas lights have received a lukewarm response from residents

But Irena Burgoyne defended the metal tree, which she said was made and paid for by Shifnal residents, and was erected each year by volunteers.

Town clerk Denise Reynolds said the council was unable to install the normal festoon lighting in Cheapside due to "infrastructure issues" which could not be resolved safely in a limited timescale.

The "catenary" lights, draped from the lamposts, were therefore not available.

"The council and contractors have worked to provide the best that can be delivered for this year," she said.

"There is a large lighting display along Market Place, Church Street, Bradford Street, Cheapside and Broadway."

People from Shifnal have complained about the quality of this years Christmas Lights

Miss Reynolds said she was not aware of any lights being out, but these would be investigated.

She said the switch-on event, which included a six-hour market, with Christmas gifts, food and drink, and charity stalls, was the biggest ever. There was also free entertainment, including fire breathers, stilt walkers, an aerial hoop display, as well as two choirs, a live band, and Smokie Coco from television show The Voice singing live and helping perform the switch-on.

"The public and business feedback is that the event was a huge success for the town in the current economic climate and there is an understanding from most individuals that the lights display will come back bigger and better next year," said Miss Reynolds.

She said planning had already begun for next year's display, and it was expected that the necessary infrastructure work would be completed before March.

Shifnal's Christmas lights have received a lukewarm response from residents