Express & Star

Christmas chocolates: Our picks of some of the tastiest tubs to get under your tree!

What's Christmas without a little indulgence of the old sweet tooth? That's right, Santa Claus will very soon be coming to town, and while Advent calendars are already being enjoyed all over the country, soon it will be time to crack open those boxes and tubs of our favourite festive choccies in earnest. To help get you in the confectionery mood, here are our picks of some of the best...

Quality Street


Who would have thought this festive tub favourite has been around since 1997? It only feels like five minutes since all of our favourite Mars treats were miniaturised and packed lovingly in one barrel for us to gorge on to our hearts' content.

Including some of the planet's favourite confectioneries from Galaxy to Snickers, and yes, even the Bounty, a house is not a home without a tub of Celebrations this Christmas.

Cadbury's Heroes

Move over Enrique... these guys can be our hero baby...

Launched in 1999, these chaps were a direct response from chocolate giant Cadbury to the launch of Celebrations. Packing some our favourite British sugary delights under one banner, the stars of the Heroes show include Wispa, Twirl, and the delectable Creme Egg Twisted.

Showcasing some of Cadbury's finest, a tub of Heroes is a must under your tree.

Terry's Chocolate Orange

Without one of these in every stocking in the house, it just isn't Christmas – it's as simple as that.

With a heritage reaching all the way back to 1932, this iconic bit of confectionery is as well known for its shape as it is for its distinctive signature flavour, and remains a favourite of the nation.

Tap and unwrap, and let the good times roll.

Quality Street

The Purple One, The Green Triangle, and of course, the immortal Toffee Penny... help us Santa, we love them all!

First manufactured by Mackintosh's in 1936, Quality Street has been a fixture for the nation for longer than most people can remember, and tubs of these sweet treats are almost synonymous with a classic crimbo.

Little drops of heaven of no mistaking, Quality Street are about as iconic as Christmas chocolates get, and a tub is a must this year to keep those little elves happy.

Cadbury's Roses

That's right, we've saved arguably the best until last...

It should come as no great surprise that the geniuses at Cadbury end up with two tubs featured on this list, and this one may be the crowning glory of the whole thing.

Nothing smells like Christmas more than when the lid comes off the Roses and those Golden Barrels and Strawberry Dreams are revealed in all their tasty glory.

An absolute Christmas classic, Cadbury's Roses are what festive chocolate is all about.