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YouTuber Korean Billy tackles the Black Country dialect

Bostin! - A YouTube sensation has tackled some of best known Black Country words and phrases in a new tutorial video.

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Korean Billy taking his viewers through Black Country words and phrases

Known as Korean Billy, the YouTuber who has almost 108,000 subscribers, regularly uploads videos explaining words and phrases used by a number of accents across Britain.

Korean Billy taking his viewers through Black Country words and phrases

Some of his most popular videos have seen him take on the Scouse, Geordie and various London accents.

Now, his latest upload shows the YouTuber taking on the Black Country dialect.

Watch the video here:

Billy kicks off the video by doing his own impression of some popular Black Country phrases, before explaining to his viewers where the dialect hails from.

He also makes the wise decision of making it clear that the Black Country and Birmingham accents and dialect are different.

Billy takes his audience through a number of words and phrases, including 'bostin', meaning 'great' and 'cock', a Black Country term of endearment.

Korean Billy taking his viewers through Black Country words and phrases

He also runs through the meaning of 'wammell', which means 'dog', the phrase 'round the wrekin', which of course means 'a long way round' and the word 'kaylied', meaning 'drunk'.

The video has so far had just over 2,300 views, meaning it still has a way to go to catch up to his most popular video, standing at over 1.5 million views, which shows Billy singing to the well-known children's song 'Baby Shark', with a scouse twist.