Rap the Rhino celebrates birthday at West Midland Safari Park
An Indian Rhino has celebrated his 11th birthday.
Excited members of staff helped crowd-pleaser Rap mark the occasion at West Midland Safari Park yesterday.
A spokesperson said: “Happy Birthday Rap. Our male Indian rhino is 11 years old today.
“The name Rap is connected to November 5, Bonfire Night, because it means ‘heat of the fire’ in Nepalese.”
Several people responded on social media, wishing the rhino a all the best.
One person tweeted: “Happy birthday, Rap. My little boy loved feeding you a few weeks ago.” Another said: “Happy Birthday to Rap the rhino.”
Rap joined the attraction in 2010 alongside another Indian rhino – making it the first time the park in Bewdley has hosted the breed since it opened in 1973.
Director of wildlife, Bob Lawrence, said the addition was the ‘most significant’ for many years.
He said: “In conservation terms this is the most significant addition to the animal reserves for many years.
“It’s a culmination of five years in pursuit of what seemed an impossible dream at times and now that these magnificent animals are here all of the hard work has certainly been worth it.”
The news follows the birth of baby rhino Granville at the park.
Deputy head keeper of ungulates, Ian Nock, said the addition was already proving to be ‘quite brave’ with other animals in the reserve.
He said: “His birth is another great example of the committed work we continue to maintain here at the Park regarding our breeding programmes.”