Express & Star

186kg of carrots and 71 cauliflowers: Dudley Zoo's store manager has 1,600 mouths to feed

He's the man with a whopping £2,500 weekly shopping bill which includes 130kg of bananas, 60 cucumbers and 56 bunches of broccoli.

Gary Arnold has a hefty shopping list for the animals at Dudley Zoo

Store manager Gary Arnold has the important job of making sure all of Dudley Zoo's animals are well fed and with 1,600 mouths to feed it keeps him busy.

From the giraffes to the lemurs - he is responsible for ordering and arranging the deliveries of everything they need from the freshest fruit and vegetables to specialised dry food and bedding as well as collecting goods from suppliers.

Then, every morning, crates of food are delivered to each of the different section kitchens around the 40-acre site so keepers can prepare the meals for their charges.

Gary Arnold sorts out the fruit and veg which will be making their way to the different sections across the 40-acre site

"The animals are very well looked. It's a very hands-on job, there is always something to do so it keeps us busy which is good," said 33-year-old Gary.

The store’s staff begin their day at 8am so that all the food can be ready for when keepers arrive to start their daily duties.

7am start

But father-of-two Gary usually arrives at around 7am so that he can catch-up on paperwork and go through any individual orders from keepers for other items they might need which can range from cleaning supplies for the animal enclosures to work boots.

Gary seen with the bedding and hay inside the huge store

These are kept in the zoo stores and delivered to the area where they are needed.

Food deliveries arrive at the zoo every other day and everything has to be accurately weighed and recorded before being distributed out across the 40-acre site every day of the year according to the different species' needs.

With a vast selection of seasonal fruit and veg including apples, bananas, oranges celery, and onions, the animals certainly surpass their recommended five a day.


Curators and keepers regularly review animal diets to ensure each individual is getting the correct nutritional support.

If they need to a make a change to the food an animal requires for any reason, they will contact Gary directly so he can make sure they get what they need.

The dry food for animals with special dietary needs

On average, the zoo’s fruit and veg order over a week includes 117kg of cabbage, 186kg of carrots, 71 cauliflowers, 71 swedes, 19kg of onions, 102kg of potatoes,166kg of apples, 28kg of oranges, 35kg of pears, 130kg of bananas, 37kg tomatoes, 50 celery, 60 cucumbers and 56 broccoli.

They also have regular deliveries of fresh fish and meat, specialised dry food and graze mix deliveries. This includes lucerne hay for giraffes, wood wool for the orangutans and straw for sheep bedding.

90 loaves

Gary, who started his role at the zoo on May 14, works alongside fellow store staff Drew Jordan and Mick Young.

Every Monday morning Mick, who has worked at the zoo for three years, goes on the bread run to collect 90 loaves to feed several animals including our giraffes, Brazilian tapirs and farm animals.

Gary used to work for Midlands Chilled Foods as a nights supervisor but after 13 years in the role wanted to leave the night shifts behind.

"After working nights, it's nice to work in daylight. I’m really enjoying the new job and I like working with the rest of the team. Everybody has been very welcoming which has helped me to settle in.

"We are make sure the staff have the supplies they need, whatever the zoo needs, it's our job to make sure they have it."

*To see Gary talking about his new role go to