Families brave wintery weather for Stourbridge street food fair - with pictures
Families braved the wintery conditions to enjoy a festival of street food and music.
There was plenty hot food to warm the cockles of those who turned out in Stourbridge for the Street Food Affair, not to mention a drop of mulled wine and sloe gin.
More than 1,500 people turned out next to the canal at the Bonded Warehouse for the event which was organised by Sarah New.
She set up the venture last year and has not looked back, with the food festival proving popular with Black Country visitors.
And rather than put people off, the snow helped turn the festival into a 'winter wonderland' and saw it take a Christmas market feel. Buskers were also on hand to keep spirits high.
Mother-of-two Sarah, aged 54, from Wordsley, said he was delighted with how the event went.
She said: "It was fantastic. It turned into a winter wonderland.
"We mist have had 1,800 people which, in the conditions, is brilliant.
"It was a huge success. A few stallholders weren't able to attend because they just couldn't get here but we had more than enough traders so I don't think anyone noticed."
Sarah admits the turnout at her events have defied her expectations and that she is excited for the future with more festivals planned for next year.
She said: "It is about bringing the community together and supporting local talent. We have got so much talent in Stourbridge and the Black Country."