Express & Star

Dudley Zoo keepers are hitting the books

Two Dudley Zoo keepers are hitting the books as they begin their Diploma in the Management of Zoo and Aquarium Animals (DMZAA).

Jade Reddall

Senior bird keeper, Ben Vanes and lower primates keeper, Jade Reddall, are the latest recruits to boost their knowledge and skills in animal care as they undertake the qualification, known as the industry standard for training zoo keepers, which covers all aspects of zoo life over a two-year period.

They’ve already attended their induction day for the first year of study and will soon be attending a five-day residential course at Sparsholt College in Hampshire

The first year includes ten monthly assignments, which are uploaded online and marked electronically and cover a range of zoo keeping topics including animal conservation, care, nutrition and enclosure design, which all have to be completed around their daily on-site duties.

Then there is end of year exams to sit in September, which are all completed under the watchful eye of the zoo’s Registrar and Research Co-ordinator, Dr David Beeston, who is also the Midlands’ regional co-ordinator for the course.