Express & Star

Scarecrow spotters pour into Pattingham for village festival

Thrill-seeking families braved the chilly autumn weather to hunt for straw-stuffed scarecrows scattered across a village.

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Mike Coope (Member of steering committee) with a Congo display

Youngsters tugged their parents through winding streets in Pattingham as families turned out for the village's Scarecrow Festival.

More than 150 scarecrows, designed by creative villagers, lurked on roofs and peered across gardens during the three-day festival.

Committee member Kath Coope said: "I think it's popular because it's unusual. The imagination of the people who make the scarecrows is just tremendous.

"The festival is ideal for children as well. Kids tend to run on ahead and they get all excited - it's wonderful."

The bi-annual festivities took over the village from Friday, with three scarecrow trails guiding visitors from the Village Hall on a search across the area.

Villagers unleashed their creative flair before the festivities, spending hours crafting the collection of scarecrows including a Jaws-inspired figurine.

Mrs Coope, who has been involved with the festival for the past three years, said the scarecrow with shark teeth peering out if its mouth caught her eye.

She said it came in tow with its own boat perching in the road, and added: "The festival creates an atmosphere in the village. We get families walking down the road, there's no traffic around. It's nice to see people's happy faces."

Organisers behind the festival, which first took place in 2011, said they expected between 5,000 and 10,000 visitors to arrive from far and wide to admire the scarecrows.

Cash raised will be donated to good causes yet to be revealed but funds are being earmarked for projects at St Chad's Church of England First School in the village.

More than £12,000 was gathered at 2015's festival, with £5,000 being donated to the school for new I.T equipment and the remainder supporting projects at St.Chad's Church.

Festival-goers also enjoyed evening entertainment including a Harvest Supper,folk night and special Harvest Evensong.