Keeping mum on sex of Dudley Zoo newbie
It’s tough being in the outside world. This yellow-breasted capuchin has been holding on to its mother for dear life since being born a month ago today at Dudley Zoo. It is the latest baby to be produced by 10-year-old parents Holly and Willow, and it is proving a big hit with staff and visitors.

Upper primates keeper, Sian-Leigh Simner, said it is still too early to know the sex of the baby.
She said: “This is Holly’s third baby and it’s the smallest one we’ve ever had. But it’s feeding well and is getting bigger every day.
“It is still constantly on mum, so we have only been able to get quick peeks of it up to now, but it’s now moved from Holly’s stomach and onto her shoulders, so it’s more visible.”
Keepers have spotted the group’s other female, Dinya, giving Holly a helping hand in grooming and caring for the newborn.
Sian-Leigh added: “The baby’s half-brother, Archie, who was born to Dinya and Willow in March is also starting to take an interest and he seems to be really looking forward to having a playmate.”
Keepers won’t be able to sex the youngster for a few weeks, but as all our previous babies have been male, keepers are hoping this one’s a girl!
Listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List, yellow-breasted capuchins are seriously threatened with extinction and the population is still declining in their native Brazilian tropical rainforests due to deforestation as well as being trapped for the pet trade and hunted for meat.