Claverley in Bloom garden competition winner crowned
This year's winners of the annual Claverley in Bloom garden competition have been crowned.

The winner of the first prize was 78-year-old Vic Parton of Danford Heath, Claverley, who is soon to move out of the house he has lived in for more than 50 years and move away from the village.
Mr Parton was awarded a £50 garden voucher.
The competition was judged by Douglas Cockburn of New Barns Nurseries, Hilton, who also sponsored the competition with £100 worth of vouchers for the top three entries.
Rod Parr, chairman of Claverley in Bloom, said: "It was a poignant moment for Vic as he is soon to leave the house he has lived in for over 50 years and move out of the village.
"Vic is a life-long garden enthusiast and has participated in many garden competitions and shows over the years."
Mr Cockburn added: “Vic has used all his gardening skills to produce a truly outstanding display of bedding plants.”