Smethwick beauty spot wins prestigious award
Staff and volunteers at a popular beauty spot have been praised for making the site one 'others should aspire to and emulate'.

Warley Woods Community Trust in Smethwick has taken gold in the Royal Forestry Society (RFS) Excellence in Forestry Urban and Community Forestry Awards.
The judges were particularly impressed with its well prepared woodland management plan. They said: “The Trust is extremely well organised and has an impressive system of governance which gives every confidence of long term security and continuity.
"This is an exceptional, high achieving and extremely well run and managed urban woodland and community led site and is well deserving of first place.”
The award will be presented on July 14 at Grimsthorpe Castle in Lincolnshire.
Trust manager Viv Cole said: "Everyone at Warley Woods is incredibly pleased to have been chosen for this award. We are all proud of Warley Woods and what the Trust has achieved over the last 14 years, but it is so lovely to have that recognised by others.
"We will be able to share the award with everyone who comes to help so they will know that their involvement does really contribute to something extra special.
"It will help bolster our commitment to keep doing more, for this inspiring place and the community who care so much for it."
RFS Midlands Division Chairman Andrew Shaw said: “Urban and community woodlands play an important part in the overall woodland cover in the UK.
"Well-managed woodlands will flourish well into the future and the Trust is showing how management, including tree felling and squirrel control, strengthens and improves the biodiversity of the wood and its enjoyment for all.”