Top 10 activities to enjoy at Dog Fest 2017
DogFest, the ultimate UK summer festival for dogs, returns in 2017 with even more activities for visitors and their four-legged friends to enjoy.

Dog Fest comes to Arley Hall in Cheshire on June 17 and 18, and then to Knebworth House in Hertfordshire from June 24 to 25.
Here are 10 things dogs can enjoy at this year’s festival…

There’s no word dogs love to hear more than “WALKIES!”. And so, at DogFest 2017, The Big Tick Great Dog Walk will take place twice a day, giving owners and their dogs the chance to join thousands of others on a 2km or 4km walk and explore the beautiful grounds of Arley Hall or Knebworth House. For the first time this year they will also be able to run the 5km distance in our organised Sunday morning Doggy Dash.
School 4 Dogs

School 4 Dogs sponsored by More Than is the place where even the most disobedient dog can become a teacher’s pet. The school will feature a programme of events designed to educate visitors all about dog and puppy training. Special sessions will include temperament testing, obedience classes, trick training, puppy training and training with props. It’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks!
Temptation Alley

The intriguing Temptation Alley is one of the most popular events, for dogs and humans, and as much fun to watch as to take part in. A dog’s resolve can be put to the test by placing them inside a course filled with treats, toys and tasty food. The big question is whether they can resist all those enticing goodies when the owner calls them back!
Have-a-go agility

The Natural Instinct Agility Ring is equipped with jumps, tunnels, hurdles and fun frames for canines to tackle. And if that doesn’t tire everyone out then they can have a go at Flyball – a dog sport which involves jumping over a line of hurdles to a box that releases a tennis ball to be caught when the dog presses the spring-loaded pad. Great fun!
Dog Diving

Dogs that can’t resist making a splash will love our dog diving feature. Owners can take them off their leads and watch them as they jump, dive and swim in our special doggy pool.
The Hay Race

The Hay Race was one of the most popular have-a-go features at DogFest last year, enjoyed by many dogs and owners alike! Dogs are timed as they jump over a series of hay bales, encouraged by their owner waiting at the finish line. There will be prizes for the fastest time.
The Big Dog Dig

Not every dog is lucky enough to have a garden and even if they do, it’s unlikely they’re allowed to dig it up! The Big Dog Dig will provide a special garden/digging zone, where dogs can have timed slots of 5 minutes to dig for treats or "Golden Bones" for bigger prizes. No dog goes home empty pawed as all they will all be given a treat, even if they don’t manage to find something during their dig.
Best in show! Top Dog Iing in association with Dogs Today

With a range of fun contests and competitions to take part in, dogs of all shapes and sizes can get involved in the Top Dog Ring in association with Dogs Today. Whether the dog can show off a trick or two, is a golden oldie, or part of a fabulous family then they can head down to the ring and join in. Competitions are open to all visitors and bookable in advance, with some places available on the day.
ROYAL CANIN® Weight Management Zone

Is your dog in great shape? If you’re not sure and want to find out, you have the perfect opportunity whilst you are at the show. ROYAL CANIN® have a team of veterinary nurses offering the extremely popular Healthy Weight Checks for your dogs and it’s free of charge. Here, your dog will be weighed and the nurse will show you how to use a Body Condition Score Chart, enabling you to determine whether your dog is at a healthy weight and shape. They will also be able to offer you tailored advice about getting or maintaining your pet at an ideal weight.
A dog’s holiday

If one day is simply not enough, then visitors can extend their DogFest day out to a full weekend. For the first time this year we have camping spots available to give visitors the chance to pitch up with your tent and escape for a UK getaway with friends of the two and four-legged kind.
Great food and music

Visitors will also be able to taste dishes from a fantastic line-up of street food vendors as well as soak up the atmosphere and enjoy the music acts on the Super Stage.
For tickets visit or call 0333 300 3010*
*Calls cost 7pm a minute plus standard network access charge