Cosford Air Show 2017: RAF display pilot Ryan Lawton talks
We caught up with Typhoon Display pilot Flight Lieutenant Ryan Lawton ahead of this year’s show.

What are you most looking forward to in the display season?
Well…obviously RAF Cosford Air Show will be the highlight of the year!
But in all seriousness, I can’t really put my finger on one particular thing.
It’s going to be great to travel the country (and world!) with a fantastic team of men and women, whilst meeting thousands of people who have a genuine interest in aviation. Selfishly though, I also can’t wait to throw the Typhoon around the sky in some fairly unique display locations.
What is the best part about working in the RAF?
I’m sure most people would think it is the flying, but as clichéd as it sounds, it is genuinely the camaraderie and friendship, that you can only get with serving on a squadron alongside some truly amazing people, in a very unique environment.
Career highlight?
Achieving Public Display Authority was a great feeling, but for me, my first operational deployment with the Tornado will always stand out. After spending five years learning to fly jets, to then be thrown in at the deep end at the age of 23 and then be called upon to provide direct support to coalition troops on the ground, during some fairly intense scenarios is something I will be proud to tell the grandchildren about!
When you have a day off what do you do to relax?
I’ve recently bought a van that I’m converting into a camper, so I generally tend to retire to the “mobile man cave”! I’m aiming to have the conversion done just in time for summer, where I’ll have absolutely no opportunity to use it as I’m away for every weekend…
What is one thing you can’t live without on detachment?
IPhone. Next!
If you weren’t in the Royal Air Force what would you be doing?
I was always quite into climbing trees (and still am a little bit…), so I always fancied being a tree surgeon!
For someone aspiring to join the RAF as a pilot what advice would you give them?
The Air Cadets is a great place to start to get a flavour for life in the RAF.
I was a member of the CCF and loved every minute of it. In addition, work hard at school (in particular maths), keep yourself physically fit and ensure you know all the words to Top Gun!