Express & Star

Crufts 2017: Top events not to miss on day one

Hundreds of preened pooches and dashing dogs are descending on Birmingham today for day one of Crufts 2017.


Top events taking place today include a dog activities display, agility finals, freestyle heelwork to music and flyball team quarter finals.

Find out what events you must see right here with our top picks:

Main Arena

Dog Activities Display - 11.25pm

When I think of Crufts, I think of the vibrant, jaw-dropping displays from Man's best friend.

Watch dogs of all shapes and sizes showcase their intelligence

West Midlands Police - 4.00pm

West Midlands Police train German Shepherds and a small number of Rottweilers to carry out an identical role as operational police dogs.

Get up close and personal with these brave pooches and learn all about their integral role in our police force

Group Judging (Terrier Group) and Presentation - 6:35pm

Who is the best terrier of them all? You decide, and watch the judges decide too

Group Judging (Hound Group) and Presentation - 7:30pm

They aint nothin' but hound dogs, from the noble greyhound to the drooping basset hound, but who will come out on top?

Obedience Ring Programme

9.00am - 4.00pm

Who's a good dog? All of these dogs for sure, challenge your knowledge of what dogs can achieve with the eye-opening obedience ring programme.

These are Levels 1 to 6. The aim of the day is to demonstrate a variety and range of breeds and competition levels in Rally. Each team will have 1 dog per Level 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, two dogs for Level 2, plus a reserve (Level 1) making a total of 8 dogs per team.

The team Managers must select a variety of breeds, there can be no more than 2 Border Collies / Working Sheepdogs, 2 Crossbreeds (one of which must not be a Collie/Working Sheepdog type) and 2 of any other single breed.

Good Citizen Dog Scheme Ring Programme 2017

Puppy Foundation Display - 9.45am, 11.35am and 2.30pm

Things that make you go aww - Crufts isn't Crufts without going googly-eyed over adorable puppies.

Puppies can give as good as dogs, and they're here to prove how with this equally adorable and amazing formation performance.

Guide Dogs for the Blind Association - 11.50am

We're all aware of guide dogs for the blind, but we're not all aware of the sheer hard work that does into the project from both dogs and workers.

Guide Dogs for the Blind Association are here to help us all learn more - and meet their trusted guide dogs too.

Therapy Dogs Nationwide - 1.05pm

A therapy dog is a dog that might be trained to provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospices, disaster areas, and to people with autism.

How you may ask? Therapy Dogs Nationwide are here to tell you.

YKC Ring Programme 2017

Handling 6-11 years (Terriers and Hound)

Crufts is fun for all the family - and here your youngsters can get up close and personal with some stars of the shows with the YKC Ring Programmes handling sessions.

Sessions run throughout the day suitable to various age groups.

Agility Dog of the Year Final - 5.00pm (Main Arena)

Which pooch has demonstrated enough strength and finesse to be crowned top dog? Head to the main arena and reserve the edge of your seat for the day one final.

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