Express & Star

Austen tale Northanger Abbey coming to Lichfield Garrick

Tim Luscombe's adaptation of Northanger Abbey sets its stall out at Lichfield's Garrick Theatre from Monday to Wednesday.


The show has been described as an absolute delight – witty, fast moving and stylish.

The theatre's spokeswoman Rhiannon Brearley said: "Catherine Morland loves a good novel and the more horrid it is the better. At 17, she's taken by her aunt to Bath where she encounters the social whirl denied her at home and befriends Isabella Thorpe and her boorish brother, John. She also meets the charming, but eccentric, Henry Tilney with his sister Eleanor and works hard to get to know them better.

"However, John Thorpe has other plans and is determined to have Catherine for himself.

"Following a string of deceptions, Catherine finally sees through his tricks and lies."

Tickets are available at the venue, from £20 to £23 for performances.