Former Stone Roses guitarist teaches Oldbury children to follow their dreams
Former Stone Roses guitarist Aziz Ibrahim was the star turn when he popped by to take part in a workshop with talented young school musicians.

Aziz, who lives in Oswestry, visited Rood End Primary, in Oldbury, to perform a song and encourage pupils to follow their dreams.
Children from Key Stage 2 took part in the workshop, which was set up by music teacher Sukhraj Singh, who is a friend of the guitarist, along side Sandwell Music Services.
Tom Corbett, assistant headteacher, said the visit was a great success enjoyed by the youngsters.
"It went really well," he said. "The kids had spent a couple of weeks learning a song and then Year 6 performed it with him. It was the Stone Roses hit 'Waterfall' and they had been doing research beforehand and loved every minute of it.
"Aziz also demonstrated and showed off his talents.
"The kids had to guess what areas of the world the music was from.
"He then gave them an inspirational talk about following their dreams and not being held back by stereotypes, background or where they come from."
Aziz is also known for his work as lead guitarist for several internationally-acclaimed bands and artists including Simply Red, Stone Rose frontman Ian Brown and Paul Weller.
Mr Corbett added: "I was a fan of his anyway so it was brilliant to be able to come into the school and listen to him first hand.
"He was very aware of the profile of the school and how we work music wise, so there is a possibility we may work with him again in the future."
Aziz has been a passionate supporter of music education initiatives for many years.
The British Council selected him as a featured artist and guest lecturer on tours and workshops focused on developing aspiring young musicians.
His solo works include his acclaimed album, from Lahore To Longsight, which tells the story of his family's journey.
His also renowned for the EP Middle Road and album Rusholme Rock', which all showcase his unique blend of progressive rock and Asian Blues.