Express & Star

Watch Dudley Zoo's African pygmy goat with his new punchbag

The team at Dudley Zoo have come up with an inventive solution to the relentless headbutting by grumpy resident Oliver.


The boisterous African pygmy goat has been given his very own punch bag, check it out:

To prevent OLiver head butting everything and every staff member in sight Senior Keeper, Ben Vanes, came up with this quick solution and Oliver soon warmed to it.

Ben said: "I know from experience that his horns are very sharp so I decided to try and make some sort of playful device that he could use.

"Once I'd knocked the wooden post into the ground, I filled a heavy-duty enrichment bag from the chimp section with compacted straw and hay and attached that to the post using webbing.

"Oliver started to use it straight away, which was great to watch and it also directed his attention away from us!"