Express & Star

Miles Jupp bringing his new tour to Birmingham Town Hall

He's a stand-up, actor, writer, thinker, father, husband, worrier, fool and host of The News Quiz.


Miles Jupp is an all-round entertainer and is hitting the road in a freshly-ironed shirt and some robust trousers to try and make sense of it all.

He will bring his new tour, Songs of Freedom, to Birmingham's Town Hall tomorrow and fans can expect astronauts, regrets, the sexes, social media, hipsters, rage, medicine, manners, identity, lost stuff and more.

Jupp is inspired by real life events, including an incident with his wife, Rachel, and their five children in the Welsh borders.

"I can get angry very, very quickly about inanimate objects, particularly if they don't do what I want them to do. We've just had a new boiler put in and I can't operate it. I've read the instructions but it's got this enormous control panel and I don't understand it, or for that matter why it makes the radiators come on at 3am. The man who installed it has to come back and talk us through it.

"And now we have bought a smart TV and, after not having had a television for eight years, it's all slightly baffling. It's the equivalent of going on a yoga retreat and in the intervening time the industrial revolution has happened. 'What's going on? I don't know how to use a loom'.

"Of course our seven-year-old understands how the TV works perfectly, but I can't very well go and wake him up at midnight and say, 'we want to watch Peaky Blinders, come and find it for us'. I am slightly out of kilter with the modern world and I do come at things from a different angle sometimes."

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