Express & Star

We love the good old days

Remember the days before technology invaded our lives? How we found fun back in the day. . .


1. Building dens. Pushing chairs and tables together and covering them with blankets and sheets creating a secret hideaway.

2. Climbing trees. Finding a big sturdy tree in the forest or park and carefully scaling all of its big branches.

3. Homemade perfume. Foraging round the garden and picking the petals off mum's roses and other scented flowers, mixing in a bucket of water to make a gorgeous scent.

4. Playing dress up. Mum's dresses and shoes teamed up with nan's jewellery and handbags along with a heavily made up face created with unsteady hands!

5. Making things out of loo rolls, lemonade bottles, fabric scraps and wool. Looking in the rubbish and seeing what you could use to create some amazing items. Spaceships, dogs, dolls, you name it and it can be made.

6. Seeing friends and family in person and having a good old catch-up. These days it's all too easy to communicate by texting or Facebook without making the effort to actually see friends face-to-face.

7. Traditional Games. In the days before Xbox and mobile phones it was old fashioned games we played. Skipping, hopscotch and riding bikes, it was all harmless fun.

8. Not having so much choice for what to watch on television. Four or five channels and if nothing took your fancy we had to amuse ourselves.

9. Less pressure on keeping up with each other with the latest gadgets. Once upon a time it was trainers and friendship bracelets that used to impress, now it's Xboxes and mobile phones.

10. Playing outside in the street. Back in the day it was all about meeting up with your mates and hanging out in the street.

11. Cooking with mum. In an era of stay-at-home mums we loved baking fairy cakes, icing them and getting to lick the spoon. Yum, fun!

12. Making story books. cutting up paper and writing a story, drawing and colouring the pictures and reading it to mum and dad.

13. Actual photos. In the days before digital there was nothing more exciting than taking holiday snaps and waiting for the prints to come back.

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