Express & Star

Babies born at Dudley Zoo in 2015

There were bundles of new babies born at Dudley Zoo in 2015.

Zippy, the pygmy marmoset, with mum Pam

A baby Lar gibbon was the first arrival in January and keepers have been lucky enough to hear the pitter patter of tiny feet many, many times throughout the year.

The zoo says its success in breeding the animals is testament to the dedication and hard work of staff who work tirelessly caring for some of the world's most endangered animals.

Zoo director Derek Grove said: "With the end of the year in sight, it's not only a time for reflection but also a time to plan for the future.

"Despite the unpredictable weather over the main summer holidays, we were delighted to see visitors numbers have met expectations. We are incredibly grateful to the loyal people who support the zoo and the conservation work we do in all weathers."

1) Zippy the pygmy marmoset

Zippy, the pygmy marmoset, with mum Pam

Pictured with his with mum Pam, Zippy got his name because he darts around so much. The tiny monkey is native to the rainforests around the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. Currently, the animals are in good numbers in the wild.

2) Lynx cubs Dante and Dakota

Lynx cubs Dante and Dakota were born at the zoo in May

On May 20 two gorgeous Carpathian lynx twins were born to mum Daisy and dad Dave.

Both boys, they were named Dante and Dakota. This is the second DZG litter from mum Daisy and dad Dave. Their first – when triplets Dick, Dom and Daphne were born – was a first for the zoo.

Carpathians are a relatively new species to Dudley's collection, with Dave translocating from Salzburg Zoo in Austria and Daisy from Zoo Veszprem, Hungary, in Autumn 2012, as part of a European conservation programme.

3) Nine baby Humboldt penguins

Nine baby Humboldt penguins arrived this season, the first two arriving in May

Humboldts are one of the rarest species of penguin and are vulnerable to extinction due to climate change and the depletion of food stocks in the wild.

The nine baby penguins were born relatively early in the penguin season, with the first two arriving in May.

4) Fergie the camel

Bactrian camel Fergie was born on October 3

Bactrian camel Fergie was more than 4ft tall when she was born on October 3. The baby girl was born to proud first-time parents mum Jimandi, known as Mandi, and dad Charles.

Senior Keeper Lesley Lewis said: "Fergie is an absolute dreamboat and it's wonderful to observe her behaviour each day."

5) Indah the Lar Gibbon

The baby Lar gibbon turned out to be a boy and was named Indah, which is Indonesian for 'beautiful' .

Indah was born on January 16 to mum Meo and dad Huggy and is getting on well with his three-year-old sister, Penny. Indah was the first baby animal to be born at the zoo in 2015.

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