Express & Star

WATCH: Sandwell fan dances on stage with Madonna

You know how it is, one minute you're in double geography, the next you're on stage dancing with Madonna.


But that's exactly what happened when schoolboy Jamie Bell went to see the legendary Queen of Pop at Birmingham's Barclaycard Arena.

The 14-year-old, from Great Barr, was pulled up on stage before coolly performed a breakdance routine in front of the 14,000-strong crowd.

But it wasn't the first time the pair had met, as the singer revealed. Jamie, a keen dancer, has been friends with her son Rocco, also a dancer, for four years. They were introduced after Jamie, who learned how to dance in Stafford, was spotted busking in London.

But the invitation to join the superstar on stage came out of the blue.

Jamie's mother, personal assistant Sadie Bell, said: "It was a complete shock. "We didn't have a video camera or anything.

"Jamie took it all in his stride but he was completely buzzing afterwards. It confirmed for him that he definitely wants to be a professional dancer.

"Next day, he was drumming on stage at school assembly and never mentioned a thing about what had happened the night before. People only found out when videos of him with Madonna started circulating on YouTube.

"He's never made a big thing about his friendship with Rocco. He never talks about it."

See also: Review - Madonna, Barclaycard Arena, Birmingham

The Perry Beeches Academy student spent five minutes on stage with 'Her Madgesty', who gave him a kiss and told him he'd grown since she last saw him – and 'got cute.'

Sadie, aged 39, said: "I got some shaky footage on my phone, but luckily a fan, who was sitting much nearer, sent him some really good footage which he's now put up on his website."

Jamie said: "It was amazing. I was more excited than nervous. Madonna guided me through it because I had no idea what was happening. It was overwhelming to see all those faces looking back at me.

"It still felt amazing the next day. My friends could hardly believe it, they were really supportive."

Jamie, who lives at home with mum Sadie and dad Peter, 39, who works in Walsall as an account manager, has been dancing since he was seven. He was taught by Lucie Talbott, who runs Dance Nuvo from bases in Eccleshall and Birmingham.

It has not gone unnoticed that he shares his name with the actor who played the part of Billy Elliott in the blockbuster film about a miner's son's struggle, against the odds, to become a dancer.

Sadie said: "It hadn't occurred to me, and it was too late to change it when the midwife pointed it out. She said: 'He's going to be a dancer.' It was obviously written in the stars."