Activities aim to get young people in Cannock's great outdoors
A series of activities aimed at getting people of all ages in Cannock to explore the great wild outdoors has been set up.
Wild About Cannock features a number of non-sporting events run by Staffordshire Wildlife Trust to give local people the chance to improve their health whilst also connecting with nature.
As part of the project, volunteers are being sought to join work parties to help restore rare heathland in the Cannock Chase area.
The parties will be taking place on various days next week and on one day next month.
The trust's biodiversity co-ordinator Bernadette Noake said: "As well as the important task of heathland restoration, these are fun days and a great way of meeting new people and keeping physically active."
The first work party will be held on November 21, from 10am to 3.30pm, then another will take place on November 23, from 10am to 3.30pm and one on December 12, from 10am to 3.30pm.
Provisional dates of November 30 or December 1 have also been planned. All tools will be provided with volunteers requested to bring outdoor shoes, waterproof clothing and a packed lunch.
To book, or for more information, call Bernadette Noake on 01889 880121.