Express & Star

Tracy Emin and Martin Creed works at The Public, West Bromwich

Some of the art world's biggest names are exhibiting works at The Public gallery in?West Bromwich as part of the centre's new show Ordinary/Extra/Ordinary curated by David Thorp.


Included in the list of exhibitors are Tracey Emin, Martin Creed, David Shrigley, Jeremy Deller, Alan Kane, Lucy McLauchlan, Hew Locke, Vivan Sundaram and Doug Fishbone. The show runs until September 29 and is free.

David Thorp, said: "Ordinary/Extra/Ordinary has its origins in the idea that The Public is a place where visitors can encounter contemporary art that is accessible and which resonates with the familiar but extends and challenges perception at the same time.

"Rather than preaching about the value of art it celebrates the vitality, diversity and humour that art can embody."

Tracey Emin's contribution is a video entitled 'Why I Never Became a Dancer' in which she is seen performing on the dance floor in an exuberant and joyful manner while her voice-over relates the degrading story of an actual incident at a local disco when she was a finalist in a disco dancing competition.

Jeremy Deller, Britain's representative at the Venice Biennale, displays his collaborative project with Alan Kane 'Folk Archive'; a record of contemporary culture in Britain alongside Birmingham's Lucy McLauchlan with sculptures inspired by found local objects.

Turner Prize-winning artist Martin Creed is showing his celebrated work Half the Air in a Given Space.

The installation of brightly coloured balloons is intended to capture half the air in a given space, so it varies in size and shape each time it is exhibited according to the dimensions of the place in which it is shown. The volume of the space is calculated in cubic metres and divided in half.

This number is then divided by the volume of air in a balloon and thus the number of balloons is determined. The space the balloons occupy is full of air as normal, the only difference is that half of that air is inside balloons. As the exhibition goes on some balloons escape and some burst.

Creed's work for the Turner Prize in 2001 consisted of an empty gallery with a lightbulb being turned on and off.

Also exhibiting is one of India's most important artists, Vivan Sundaram, who will be talking to students about his work and his experiences with garbage collectors on streets of Delhi.

Linda Saunders, managing director of The Public said: "In a town better known for football and heavy industry, this exhibition builds on our success in generating real excitement in the arts."

Ordinary/Extra/Ordinary will be displayed Wednesday to Saturday, 10am – 5pm and Sunday, 11am – 3pm.