Express & Star

My perfect weekend: Celebrity chef Ken Hom

Celebrity TV chef Ken Hom reveals what his secret ingredients are for a perfect weekend.


Celebrity chef Ken Hom has cooked up a new range of recipes for people who want to celebrate the Chinese New Year in style.

Hom has created a new range of oriental meals, which are available now from Tesco, and has tips on how to have an amazing February 10 at his website, at

We caught up with the star cook to find out about his Perfect Weekend.

It's Friday afternoon, what's on your mind?

Wherever I am, in Paris or Bangkok I will be thinking about what I would like to cook for the weekend.

I love to cook and eat Thai, as I live there for about four months of the year, I also love cooking Italian and French – I also make a 'mean' fish and chips!

Once the food is sorted my thoughts turn to the friends I want to invite to share it with.

Who normally has the pleasure of your company at the weekends?

When I'm not working, I enjoy the company of my close friends.

I use the time to catch up with them as we all have such busy lives. Weekends are a good excuse to see each other and exchange our news and views.

How do you prepare for a big night out?

After I have got myself ready, I like to take some time to relax and take a sip of cold champagne. It helps set the mood for the evening ahead.

What's your favourite party outfit?

Cool, casual Asian clothes that I have custom tailored for me in Hong Kong. It not only suits me, but is well cut so I feel very comfortable – which is what you need to be for a party.

You've just arrived at the bar, what's your first drink?

My usual drink is champagne, however occasionally it might be a dry gin martini.

What is your favourite night spot and why?

It has to be my neighbourhood restaurant in Paris, not only does it have fantastic fresh oysters and Dover sole, but also a great atmosphere.

I am a bit too old to hang out in clubs and bars and it was never my scene anyway.

It's a sunny Saturday, what are you up to?

It depends where I am, if I'm not working, you can usually find me sitting outside checking my emails, drinking my green tea and getting ready to shop for food.

Food plays a big part in my life, so I am usually thinking about shopping for food, cooking food or eating food.

However I am not only concerned about food, I have always thought food; history, culture and society are intertwined.

What's your most memorable weekend ever and why?

Every weekend is memorable for me because I have a rather happy good life. Although different, they are all special and precious.

What's your recipe for the perfect night in?

Without a doubt, it is good food and wine, and then an uplifting and inspiring movie.

At the moment I am looking forward to Chinese New Year (Year of the Snake) and planning my own special banquet of; stir fried noodles (a symbol of longevity), steamed fish Cantonese style (a symbol of prosperity) and fresh oranges (a symbol of fortune).

I particularly enjoy Chinese New Year as it is a time when the whole family comes together.

It is also a very social event and that is why we use a round table – so both food and conversation can be shared.

All age groups eat together; from a 93-year-old grandmother to eight-month-old child. That sounds like a perfect night in to me.

Favourite DVD and what would you eat while watching it?

I like lots of different films and have seen many over the years, but my favourite is Mario Puzo's The Godfather II, not just great acting by a host of big names, but a riveting storyline too.

I would probably eat a good pizza, with my favourite topping of anchovies. There would also be a bottle of good wine or champagne as well.

Sunday breakfast: cooked or continental?

I am not much of a breakfast person and would rather wait for a good lunch. So it would definitely be the continental option for me: a good croissant with green tea.

Sunday lunch: home cooked or down the pub?

Always home cooked because then I can make what I want to eat, plus I never get any complaints. I usually prepare a healthy steamed fish dish; it is light and easy and always works well.

Where and how do you like to relax?

I like to relax at home by doing nothing but catch up on my list of reading books, with great music in the background. With such a busy life, relaxing like this is true bliss for me.

You have the whole weekend off and a wad of cash. Which country or city would you head to?

I love to travel and find things to appreciate in all the countries I visit – but where to go?

I like the vibrancy of Rio de Janeiro, with its wonderful beaches, great atmosphere and happy people with a zest for life.

However, I would have to take my wad of money and head straight to Bangkok. Bangkok is my favourite city, and everyone there is so honest, it also has great food and I have many friends there.

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