Express & Star

Horror fans in movie marathon at The Public

Horror movie fans got into the Halloween spirit at a 12-hour non-stop marathon of films to chill the blood.


The event, called A Fright to Remember, was held at The Public, in West Bromwich, running from 7.30pm on Saturday to 7.30am on Sunday. And fright film fans donned horrific costumes of their own for the occasion – ranging from terrifying scarecrows to blood-dripping zombies. They also brought along sleeping bags and food to enjoy the movie-fest in comfort.

The night started with a showcase of short films before moving on to horror classics such as The Beyond and Demons. Members of the audience also nominated a film of their own to finish off the marathon and opted for 1996 vampire film From Dusk Till Dawn. Rose Keenan, aged 18, of Hunter Road, Cannock, dressed as a terrifying scarecrow with mask and clawed hand.

She was joined by Rachael McDougal, 20, from Shrewsbury, Bethan Jones, of Tantarra Street, Walsall, and Chris Bastin, 21. Miss Keenan said: "It has taken me around a week to get the costume ready. I have been really looking forward to the movie marathon." Also attending was Dan Jones, aged 32, of Clive Street, West Bromwich. "I am a fan of horror movies and it is really great to have showcases like this," he said.

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