Express & Star



War is hell and Jonathan English's recreation of a little known and exceedingly violent chapter in 13th century British history certainly doesn't stint on the gore.

Severed arms and legs cartwheel across the battlefield amid spurts of freshly spilt blood.

Flaming boulders crash to earth from wooden trebuchet catapults, splattering anyone in their path, and at least one extra is cleaved sweetly down the middle by a hefty long sword.

When it comes to body count, Ironclad manfully hacks and slashes into triple figures before the end credits roll.

English's gritty period piece has plenty of brawn but it's harder to find the brains in the screenplay co-written by Erick Kastel.

Characters are narrowly defined, casting King John and his followers as the boo-hiss bad guys and the rebel noblemen as the valiant and selfless heroes, who stood firm in the face of tyranny.

As the cast is steadily whittled down by arrows and swords, we cheer for the protagonists not because we care for these men but because in every pantomime, even one as gruesome as this, good must ultimately vanquish evil.

The film opens with the signing of the Magna Carta in the summer of 1215.

'What is not remembered is what King John did next...' booms the voiceover narration, following the vengeful monarch (Paul Giamatti) as he enlists the services of hulking Danish mercenaries to kill the noblemen who defied him, thereby seizing back the throne.

'Any action against the throne must be punished for that is the only way to maintain the absolute power of the throne,' barks King John as defence for the subsequent slaughter.

Needless to say, his subjects react angrily to intimidation.

'You're no more a king than a boil on my bottom!' sneers one erudite peasant, who is duly punished for his insolence.

At the behest of Archbishop Langton (Charles Dance), baron William de Albany (Brian Cox) spearheads the rebels at Rochester Castle, flanked by plucky archer Marks (Mackenzie Crook) and Templar knights Marshall (James Purefoy) and Beckett (Jason Flemyng).

As the King and his Danish marauders prepare to storm the battlements, the castle's keeper Reginald de Cornhill (Derek Jacobi) and beautiful ward, Lady Isabel (Kate Mara), prepare for the worst.

Ironclad orchestrates some blistering action sequences and the storming of the castle is a brutal and thrilling affair.

Carnage on such a grand scale needs to be witnessed on the big screen and is the sole justification for English's film rampaging through cinemas rather than being consigned to the stocks on DVD.

In between the bloodshed, the writer-director concocts a tepid romance between Marshall and Lady Isabel, peppered with portentous dialogue ('Only the weak believe what they do in battle is who they are as men.') Technically, you can't fault his vision; emotionally, we're seriously short-changed.

  • Release Date: Friday 4 March 2011

  • Certificate: 15

  • Runtime: 120mins

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