Up close and personal with McFly
This was the launch of their Up Close...But This Time It's Personal tour – and it definitely was. I've seen them at the NEC but this was so much better.

The crowd was near enough to observe the band up close and get sprayed with guitarist Dougie Poynter's bottle of cola.
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The band played all their big hits, opening with One For The Radio which sent the crowd into a frenzy from which they never recovered. Five Colours In Her Hair, the song that made them big, and Lies probably went down the best although it was hard to tell given the constant wall of screams.
The band looked as if they were really enjoying themselves and kept up their usual patter with the audience. At one stage, drummer Harry Judd did a 'Facts About Wolverhampton' spot, including a congratulations to Wolves for getting promoted which was greeted with equal cheers and boos.
One of the highlights was a cover version of Girls Aloud's Christmas hit The Promise which was a big improvement on the original. The stage looked slightly spooky, with bits of rag strung between two giant fans, giving the effect of a Halloween film set but the gig was definitely more treat than trick.
The fans sang along very loudly all night and when guitarist Danny Jones shouted "Jump!" as they went into their second number, the crowd didn't have to be told twice.
This was a typically energetic, upbeat performance from a band that have built up a very loyal and steadily growing fan base.
By Beth Simpson.