Express & Star

First birthday for 'little fighter' Harrison

'He's a strong-willed little man'. The words of a proud father whose son has defied the odds to celebrate his first birthday after being born 11 weeks premature.


Harrison Jordan weighed just one-and-half pounds when he was born on February 3 last year and was not expected to survive. But one year on, the youngster continues to get stronger, crawling around the family home in Ketley Road, Kingswinford, and pulling himself up to his feet.

And he was all smiles as he received cards and presents from adoring parents Melanie, aged 40, and Tim.

Mr Jordan said family and friends had also sent the youngster 'lots of toys' to celebrate the occasion.

And the 45-year-old has created a very special gift for his son – a table with a car painted on it along with the words Harrison's Hot Rod and Custom Shop. The establishing date is his son's birthday.

He said: "Harrison's doing really well. We could not be happier with the progress he has made in such a short time.

"His consultant is also over the moon. It seems whatever obstacle is put in his way he battles through it.

"For example when Harrison first left hospital we were told he may still be on extra oxygen up until his first birthday but he was off it by October.

"He is a strong-willed little man. It is amazing to see how he has come on in just a year. We call him our little fighter. We are very proud of him."