Dancing grannies hip in square
The dancing grannies have been at it again.

The grannies, portrayed by three women from the Fizzogs comedy troupe, performed their dance routine in Stourbridge town square to promote their upcoming comedy show The 50% Funnier Comedy Tour.
Crowds gathered even in the drizzling rain as the ladies shuffled into the square in character with an oversized boom-box and burst into dance. Many passers by stopped to film the exhibition on their phones and several stopped the dancers when they were finished to grab a picture with them yesterday.
The ladies, Deb Nicholls, Jacky Fellowes and Sue Hawkins, said they have known each other for 14 years and have been performing as the dancing grannies for 10 years. In July a dance routine they performed at Stourbridge Carnival went viral with more than a million shares on Facebook.
The video featured the women dancing in costume to Flo Rida's Low and Beyonce's Single Ladies.
Jacky, from Wombourne, said: "We have been doing the dancing grannies for 10 years now and it's nice to be finally getting some recognition."
Deb, who lives in Woolaston, said: "This was all part of our 'spot a Fizzog' event, which were running on Twitter and Facebook, and we are giving away tickets for our upcoming show to promote it." Last month, after the success of their first video, the ladies gave fans the chance to decide their next routine. The poll, which had more than 300 votes, saw Riverdance come out on top beating Michael Jackson's Thriller and Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines.
After the dance, Deb said: "We get so many people coming up to us now to tell us how they saw us on Facebook and think we're hilarious. So many people say how they have family in far-flung places like Canada and Australia who have seen us on Facebook."
The 50% Funnier Comedy Tour will take place at Wednesbury Town Hall on Holyhead Road on Saturday at 7.30pm. More information about the upcoming show can be found at www.fizzogproductions.co.uk