Express & Star

Horse power at petrol station

[gallery] There was a whole new meaning to the phrase 'horse power' at this petrol station forecourt.


Eight horses were rounded up by police after they wandered on to grassland in Wolverhampton and became agitated by traffic. The animals were herded onto the forecourt on Wolverhampton Road East in Sedgley.

Owners were called and tried to round the animals up. Lee Page, spokesman for West Midlands Police, said: "We were called to reports there were eight stray horses loose on a grass verge.

"Callers originally said this was on land in Dudding Road but that passing vehicles were scaring the animals. Officers were there to help round up the horses to the forecourt. The owner was identified and contacted and came to the scene straight away."

Officers from Wolverhampton City Council were also called to the scene. The animals were spotted just before 11am yesterday.

Horses wandering on to roads has been a big issue for some Black Country boroughs.

In February, two caused a stir when they were seen near to the ring road on Penn Road in Wolverhampton.

And earlier this year it emerged 230 stray horses have been taken off the streets of Dudley in less than a year.