Express & Star

Job clubs set up to help unemployed

Two weekly events have been set up to give advice and information to those seeking employment.


Unemployed people are being given help to find jobs at two weekly clubs.

The events, which are being held in Coseley and Gornal, are designed to give advice, guidance and information on seeking employment.

Coseley job club is being held every Monday during September at the Rainbow Community Centre, Rainbow Street, from 10am until 12.30pm.

The Gornal club takes place every Tuesday during September at the Kent Street Centre, Kent Street, from 10am to 12.30pm.

Organisations involved in the sessions include the council's adult and community learning, the employability team and community renewal services.

Councillor Lesley Faulkner, cabinet member for adult and community services, said: "This is an excellent initiative which is providing the unemployed in Gornal and Coseley with help and advice during a time when it is particularly appreciated.

"Often those who have recently found themselves unemployed, perhaps through redundancy, do not know what assistance is available. This service will provide them with guidance and support."

Anyone interested in attending should contact Judith Ashford on 01384 812933.