Express & Star

Recruitment agencies are not the job centre

Recruitment Agencies can only offer jobs that employers have available and currently there are not enough of them around writes David Shennan, CEO of Daisy Thomas recruitment group.


After reading James Alexander's blog lamenting recruitment agencies, I decided that it was time to dispel a common myth writes David Shennan, CEO of Daisy Thomas recruitment group.

Recruitment agencies cannot create jobs. Sorry but it's true.

Recruitment agencies can only offer jobs that employers have available and currently there are not enough of them around. But you knew that already didn't you?

On an average day we have around 25 new candidates register with Daisy Thomas, that's 150 a week, and the real shame is we don't have jobs for many of them.

So how do you find that special job that you either really want or perhaps in many cases urgently need? Well, the first thing to do is to make sure you are looking in the right places.

You wouldn't go searching in a Comet store for a bag of frozen carrots, and in the same way you shouldn't go to a recruitment agency that specialises in Accountancy staff expecting to find a job as an HGV driver.

First of all you need to know what type of job you are looking for - is it skilled, semi skilled or manual? Is it full time, part time or seasonal? With that information you can then start your search for your chosen recruiter.

Take time out and research which recruitment agencies specialise in the jobs you are looking for. There are generalist recruiters out there but if you know what job you want, take my advice and go to a specialist recruiter. That's what employers do when they want people with particular skills.

So, you've found a selection of specialist recruiters. Now what?

Talk to each of them and tell them what you are looking for - ask them if they believe they can find you a job. A professional recruiter will give you an honest answer and probably offer you some free advice if you ask.

I would suggest that you register with a maximum of three agencies and tell each one who else you are registered with. They are far more likely to invest their time in you if they know you are serious about working with them.

One of the benefits of dealing with a small numbers of recruiters is that they can get to know you and become your new buddies. Well maybe not buddies exactly, but they are people who you need to be talking to on a regular basis.

Keep in touch and let them know what jobs you have applied for and any interviews you have attended. Let them know you are still looking.

The unemployment rate in the West Midland currently stands at around 230,000 and recruitment agencies cannot influence that number.

What they can do is to introduce & recommend suitably qualified and motivated candidates to potential employers. The fact is that many of the people we place are already employed and are just moving jobs.

Registering with a Recruitment Agency is not a guarantee of getting a job, but choosing a recruiter wisely and working closely with your consultant can certainly improve your chances of success.

Recruitment Agencies cannot create jobs and they never have done - they find particular people with particular skills to place in particular jobs. That is why they exist. They are not a substitute for Job Centres.

Good luck with your job searches everyone.

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