Express & Star

Beacon club for firms is getting off to a good start

After two successful meetings Beacon 4 Business, Beacon Centre for the Blind's new business club, is up and running.


After two successful meetings Beacon 4 Business, Beacon Centre for the Blind's new business club, is up and running.

It was launched following a meeting between the Sedgley-based centre and six businesses in March that decided that there was a need for a club that offered something slightly different.

The launch in April attracted a wide mix of companies which was increased at the second meeting in May.

Each meeting will be a mix of open networking and a slightly more structured section, with a guest speaker spot and a chance for each business represented to introduce themselves.

At the launch event, Kevin Tindill, Beacon Centre's employment officer spoke about the Beacon 4 Work project started in January to enable visually-impaired individuals into full time employment.

At the second meeting Sue Cartwright, of Unisey, gave a presentation on the importance of social media like LinkedIn, stressing how important it would be to doing business in the future.

Kate Fletcher, marketing and development officer for Beacon Centre, said: "The enthusiasm and enterprise shown by all those attending is overwhelming. Beacon 4 Business promises to be an exciting and innovative forum in which to do business and I look forward to seeing it grow over the coming months."

Beacon 4 Business meets on the last Thursday of each month from 6-8pm at Beacon Centre. For further information contact Kate Fletcher on 01902 880111 or by email at