West Bromwich Spring factory 'to be demolished'
A landmark Black Country spring factory will be knocked down ahead of 'exciting plans' for redevelopment, it has emerged.
The West Bromwich Spring Ltd building, based in George Street, has been left in a state of disrepair in recent years - with only parts of it being still in operation as a spring manufacturer and distributor.
A demolition notice has now been lodged for the building, which has been a prominent feature on the skyline upon entering the town centre.
The spring industry in the area was also well known with West Bromwich Albion, with players and fans employed at the factories.
Craig Poole, director of NCP Humphries Demolition, who are the firm behind the demolition, said that plans had been in motion for 18 months.
He said: "The site is privately owned and plans are currently being formulated around the demolition. A date of demolition is yet to be announced.
"We hope it to be an exciting development ahead in the coming months.
"The factory itself was also looked over by local historians who took a trip around it when the demolition was first spoke of.
"Part of it is still in operation but the remaining staff have been aware of the demolition plans for more than 12 months."
The West Bromwich Spring was once at the forefront of precision manufacturing, dating back to 1896.
In the 1960s more than 450 people employed at the site.
In recent years the building had been subject to break ins, led from the roof being stolen and several broken windows and graffiti attacks.
A spokesperson from the company said that less than ten staff worked at the factory now, with the company de-creasing drastically over the past 20 years.
The application was validated by Sandwell Council planners on July 1.
A decision will be made by council planners in the coming weeks.
A formal site notice has been put on the factory gates.
Councillor Mohinder Tagger, for West Bromwich Central ward, welcomed the plans.
He said: "I have seen that half of the roof is off the building now.
"It is an old building. The area needs development so I feel the plans will be good for the area."
Spring manufacturers are rooted in the history of West Bromwich Albion.
The club was founded in 1878 by workers from the former Salter's Spring Works located in West Bromwich.
In 1998 the business de-merged to become Weigh-Tronix Corporation.