Express & Star

Autumn's a real knockout!

It's a heavyweight title hard to beat. 


A newborn Wolverhampton tot has been handed a knockout name, being called after 25 boxing champs.

The baby, from Perton, who weighted in at 6lbs 15oz, has inherited the names from her mum Maria to keep up the novel family tradition.

Her six-week-old's full name is Autumn, Sullivan, Corbett, Fitzsimmons, Jeffries, Hart, Burns, Johnson, Willard, Dempsey, Tunney, Schmeling, Sharkey, Carnera, Baer, Braddock, Louis, Charles, Walcott, Marciano, Patterson, Johansson, Liston, Clay, Frazier, Foreman, Brown.

The tradition started with Autumn's boxing-clever grandparents Brian and Sue – who gave their three children no less than 103 names between them.

Maria said: "The whole thing came about because both my mum and dad are obsessed with boxing and have a bit of a daft sense of humour.

"They must have passed on some of it to me.

"My brother has children who all have normal names.

"Autumn is my first child and I wanted to pass the tradition on.

"I say it is a gift from her nanny and grandad so she will always have something to remember them by.

"When I was young I couldn't ever remember my name. It took me to the age of 10 to memorise it all.

"My partner Mark probably thinks I'm absolutely mad.

"When we first met he didn't quite believe that was actually my name.

The 33-year-old – who's sister Becky has 34 names and brother Brian has 42 – said that workers were left "astonished" when she went to officially register her bundle of joy. "I don't think they have ever seen a name as long as that," she said. "The lady wrote it down five times to get it right.

"I'm hoping Autumn has a good sense of humour with her name. It's never done me any harm though."

Autumn's aunty Becky said: "It is a funny family tradition which has always been a bit of a joke.

"It was always a talking point at school.

"We're all named after different boxers – my brother is bare-knuckle boxers, Maria is named after Heavyweight and all my names are after British Heavyweight boxers.

"I was a bit worried when Maria first had Autumn because she said she was going to name her after all our names combined.

"Thankfully she toned it down.

"I can't wait to have children. I'm definitely going to keep up the family tradition."