Express & Star

Kenny Jackett: Wolves frailty must cease

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Kenny Jackett has demanded his Wolves team stop being so fragile – as he looks to arrest a slide down the Championship table.


Jackett, who is increasingly under pressure to improve results, is alarmed at how Wolves' fragile confidence has unravelled in their past two matches.

He has called for defensive rigidity against the Royals in what could be termed a must-win game for Jackett's struggling team.

"In the last two games we've looked pretty frail and easy to play against," he said. "That has to stop now.

"We have to concentrate, address our problems and come out fighting.

"In our last home game against Leeds, for 30 to 40 minutes we looked a very good side and played well, and then from there fell away.

"We need to replicate that period but sustain it for 95 minutes.

"There is a determination within the dressing room to put things right.

"We'll be determined to, first off, stem the goals, that's very important, and make sure we put on a competitive performance that we can follow up some good spells that we have.

"Confidence is hard-earned. You have to work very hard, both on the training ground, be honest where you are as a side and go again. There's always the next game in football.

"There is a determination within the dressing room to put things right."

Just a few weeks ago, with Reading flying high under the tutelage of Steve Clarke, you'd have got long odds on Brian McDermott being in the opposition dugout for this Boxing Day clash.

But a variety of circumstances contrived to see Clarke sacked and McDermott return to the club with which he enjoyed so much success just a couple of years ago.

Jackett said of the Royals: "They've had a great start, fallen away slightly but they seem to be coming good now. Like most of the Championship sides they have some genuine power in their team and pace in their attacking positions. We'll have to be at our best to make sure we address that

"I know him (McDermott) reasonably well, he's taken them out of this league before, moved on to Leeds, a scouting job at Arsenal for a little while and has chosen to go back in.

"After Boxing Day I wish him all the best."