Wolves' Steve Morgan and Jez Moxey get iced
Wolves board of directors took the plunge this afternoon when they undertook the ice bucket challenge.

Owner-chairman Steve Morgan, chief executive Jez Moxey and directors John Gough and John Bowater lined up in Wolves tracksuits near the home dugout to receive a soaking from supporters pitchside at Molineux, half an hour before the game against Blackburn.
Although not many of the crowd were there to see it, there were cheers from the fans inside the ground, particularly for Moxey and Morgan, who also received a few boos.
Fans and photographers alike lined up to take pictures of the four taking the freezing challenge for charity, the craze that has swept the country in recent weeks.
Morgan said: "I was nominated for this by my son-in-law to be Steve and I have to nominate three more – Jez Moxey was my first!"
Moxey added: "I've got a feeling some people are looking forward to seeing this happen!
"Let's hope the result warms us up! I'm going to nominate my mother-in-law Maureen and my old pal at Ipswich, Terry Connor."
Gough said: "I'm going to nominate my smirky son standing over there!"
Bowater nominated David Edwards from Carden Park.