Express & Star

Video: Jeremy Peace retorts on Saido's tweet

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Chairman Jeremy Peace reckons West Brom need to "repair the damage" caused by Tottenham's failed bids for Saido Berahino.


The London club launched a total of four bids for the 22-year-old striker, including two on transfer deadline day.

All were rejected by the Baggies, prompting Berahino to launch an outburst on Twitter, in which he appeared to say he will never play for the club again under Peace's stewardship.

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In a strongly-worded statement on the club's website, Peace said: "We have a key player who has been very unsettled by antics which were designed to get him out of our club cheaply.

"Those tactics have continued despite my making our position clear in my first conversation with Daniel Levy on this subject in mid-August.

"I said selling Saido so late in the window was not on our agenda.

"Tottenham's offers failed substantially to reflect Saido's true value while the timing made no allowance for our own recruitment of a suitable replacement for a proven Premier League goalscorer.

"Saido has been unsettled to the point where our head coach, Tony Pulis, has not felt able to select him for our last three games.

"We are now left with the task of repairing the damage created by this unfortunate episode."

It is understood Tottenham's final offer, while totally £23million, included only £5million up front with the rest in instalments and add-ons.

Fans were quick to react on Twitter:

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