Express & Star

PICTURED: Fly-tippers block country lane with building waste and furniture

Builders' waste, furniture and domestic rubbish has been dumped by fly-tippers blocking a country lane.


Litter and waste is strewn along a 230ft stretch of the lane called Bell Holloway, in Northfield, near Quinton.

Birmingham City Council has launched an appeal to catch the culprits and is urging witnesses to come forward.

Officers were alerted this morning to the pile of waste.

City council's director Jacqui Kennedy hit out at the flytippers for forcing taxpayers to pick up the costs of a clean up.

"It is outrageous that people think dumping tons of rubbish on a road is acceptable – it is not," she said.

"This has drawn staff away from their regular duties to clean up this mess and also incurred clean-up costs, which will ultimately be borne by taxpayers if they cannot be recouped from the offender.

"Officers are sifting through this waste to identify who this rubbish belongs to, as they may be liable if we do not trace the people responsible for dumping their waste on Bell Holloway.

"We need to love and respect our neighbourhoods and it's disappointing to see rubbish being dumped on our streets.

"Keeping Birmingham's streets clean is everyone's responsibility so we will continue to clamp down on litter bugs, targeting areas where there is a persistent problem."

Anyone with information is on the flytipping is asked to email

The Waste Enforcement Unit investigates dumped rubbish, officers will sift through rubbish bags to identify where it came from, in order to prosecute fly-tippers.

Officers can also serve legal notice to landowners to clear rubbish that attracts or harbours vermin.

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