Express & Star

Jury still out for motorway link road after public gets closer look at options

No clear favourite emerged from three days of public consultation on the preferred route for a link road between the M54, M6 and M6 Toll in South Staffordshire.


Everybody appeared to agree that the development was much needed to ease traffic congestion in the villages of Shareshill and Featherstone but each of the three alternatives presented by the Highways Agency had its supporters.

Option A
Option B
Option C

A decision on the final choice is expected by early next year when preliminary designs and further options on the precise path along which it will travel. There will then be a further consultation period before an application for planning permission is submitted in 2016. Work on the road will not start until 2018 at the earliest and will take two years to complete meaning that it will be finished in either 2020 or 2021.

Local district councillors and parish councils in the area are understood to prefer the option in which the M54 is widened from Junction 1 to the M6 and the existing hard shoulder converted to a fourth traffic lane between junctions 10a and 11.

The alternatives are to build a new 1.5 mile road between M54 junction 1 and M6 junction 11 by passing Shareshill and Featherstone or to lengthen this by almost a mile taking the road from the M54 junction 1 to link directly on to M6 junction 8 and the M6 toll. The latter would require a fly over to carry the road above the A460.

Mr Barry Lander aged 77 from St Marys Close, Shareshill who has lived in the area for 50 years said after viewing the plans: "I have gone for the direct route to the M6 and toll. I have nothing against the others but this seems the most sensible. The road is certainly needed because the volume of traffic coming past the village at the moment would test the patience of a saint."

Councillor Bob Cope who represents Shareshill on South Staffs District Council disagreed and explained: "In my view that is a complete no no because of the noise and pollution created by the fly over. the place would look like a mini version of Spaghetti Junction." He selected the M54 widening option because "it is simpler, follows the existing motorway corridor and will have less impact locally."

This was also favoured by Mr Colin Smith, aged 74 from New Road, Featherstone and a local resident for 33 years. He said: "It uses up less land and does not put so much pressure on Featherstone."

Mr Peter Bowkley, aged 69 of Manor Drive who has lived in Shareshill for 40 years, preferred the link road going from the M54 to junction 11 of the M6 and declared: "It will cause minimum disruption to this area while being built and ticks all the right boxes whilst being the cheapest of the three alternatives. Non of us like the idea of the fly over required for the longer version of this plan to M6 junction 8 and the other option is a bit of a dogs breakfast with the exiting Junction 11 of the M6 being demolished and moved further north. But whatever the final choice is the link road is needed as soon as possible."

Mr Richard Tilston, 57, from Teasel Grove, Featherstone commented: "My initial thought is that the widening of the M54 is the best solution because it will have least impact."

Mr Chris Dudley, 54, of School Lane, Shareshill felt the same - until he saw all the plans - and then confessed: "I came in with a firm view but now I am not so sure. I am concerned about pollution levels and nobody presenting the consultation could give me comparative figures for the alternatives and so it is impossible for me to make an informed decision."

Councillor Bob Cope talking with Rob Perkins at the Village Hall in Shareshills

Mr Ray Manning, 77, from Church Road who has lived in Shareshill all his life said: "Taking the road from the M54 to M6 junction 11 looks the best option but what you need to be certain is a 3D model showing you how high the bridges are going to be. They say there will be one of the route that is the final choice but by then it will be too late."

Mr Bill Williams, aged 80 who lives in Swan Lane, Shareshill conceded: "The more you look at the alternatives, the more confused you get." Mrs Stef(corr) Cunningham of South Crescent, Featherstone chose the widening of the M54 and M6 and explained: "It will cause minimal disruption to the countryside and the less extra concrete and tarmac that is put down, the better."

Rob Perkins from Wedges Mills and a Hatherton Parish Councillor for 20 years, concluded: "This is a clearly defined exhibition and now it is vital that as many local people have their say because therer is no point in complaining after the final decision has been made."

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