Express & Star

POLL: Should there be more choice for shoppers in Wolverhampton?

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The major £55 million Westside development has showcased the transformation for the city centre this week.

Alongside the redevelopment of the Mander Centre including a new Debenhams department store which is already gathering pace.

With the projects in the pipeline, the Express & Star's poll today looks at whether shoppers want more choice to help bring more people into the city for leisure and retail.

This is what Wolverhampton's brand new Westside development will look like at night according to the developers who have been announced.

This latest artist impression reveals how the city's transformation is hoped to encourage more people to visit the city at night, to enjoy shopping and leisure facilities.

The artwork has been unveiled as Wolverhampton council have confirmed their chosen developers to work on bringing the huge facelift to life.

Urban and Civic, based in London, beat off the competition from 10 other leading UK developers and investors to be named as preferred developer.

The company is now working on a five-year programme of changes in the city which include building a multi-screen cinema, restaurants, bars, hotel, multi-storey car park, apartments and public space in two phases. The deal with the city council gives the developer a six-month exclusivity period on the 6.4 acre site, which comprises three sections of land sitting along the west side of the city centre.

The announcement came on Tuesday night at a Houses of Parliament event showcasing the city of Wolverhampton to a room full of high-profile developers and investors. Councillor John Reynolds, cabinet member for city economy, said: "There is a general enthusiasm around the Westside opportunity, and optimism concerning the groundswell of regeneration activity across the city, where £3.7 billion of investment is on site or in the pipeline.

"The outstanding proposals put forward by Urban and Civic perfectly meet our expectations of a regenerated Wolverhampton."

Urban and Civic chief executive, Nigel Hugill confirmed that his firm were delighted to be chosen as the developers of the site, and that they recognise 'the real importance of Wolverhampton Westside'.