Express & Star

Furious residents say 'no' to 50ft phone mast plans in Tettenhall

Furious neighbours have objected to plans for a 50-foot mobile phone mast being put up in their leafy suburb of Wolverhampton under new plans – despite objections from furious neighbours.


A petition has been handed to Wolverhampton City Council planners over the mast, set for Tettenhall, which would have three antennae, microwave dish and various equipment cabinets.

The site, on land owned by the Severn Trent Water, is close to homes on Manor Street and Limes Road, and sits within a wider residential area. Householders are worried the mast will have a 'severe detrimental effect' on their health and will spoil the look of the pretty upmarket neighbourhood.

A total of 26 objections have been received against the plans.

But planning officers are urging the council to grant planning permission for the structure, which they say is 30 yards from the nearest property on Limes Road and 80 yards from homes in Manor Street.

Conservative Councillor for Tettenhall and Wightwick, Wendy Thompson, said: "What's important is how the residents view these things and very often these things are extremely unpopular. They can be very unsightly.

"I think it's of the upmost importance the design that has been approved is one of the least unsightly and obtrusive as possible. "For example, There is one in the Claregate area I think is particularly unsightly, however, there is one on Yew Tree Lane which people walk past without ever noticing. Hopefully this design will be one like the latter."

Four years ago, Tettenhall residents lost an appeal to stop a mobile phone mast following a long-running wrangle. They had argued a 'beautiful gateway into the city' would be ruined by the structure at the Wergs Garage site. A 49ft mast providing 'emergency coverage' was initially installed. And last September a towering phone mast installed by Vodafone, alongside the A41 Tettenhall Road, opposite The Newbridge pub, caused a storm of protest.

Planning officers say this latest application should not be turned down on health grounds because it met government guidelines on public exposure to radiation protection.

It is also believed by some councillors to address signal issues being faced by the emergency services when they enter the area.

Councillor Udey Singh who represents Tettenhall Regis ward said: "I hope that the telemast company have some consideration for the harm that can be caused by radiation in built up areas. However, I think, all things considered that this was necessary for the area - as I understand the emergency services found it difficult to retain signal in the area. I understand that some people have objected to the plans but if we think about it - it could be a matter of life and death if the emergency services don't have signal so it is important we give them the tools to carry out their jobs."

The say the proximity of a 47ft high tree within the site would minimise the visual impact on the look and character of the street, as the colour of the monopole would be green.

The council's planning committee meets report to Tuesday.'s(25th) panning committee states: "Whilst residents have concerns on health issues, the proposal should not be refused on the ground of health as central government clearly states that the planning system is not the place for determining health safeguards.

"The proposed location of the monopole situated beside a 14m high tree, at a height of 15m and painted green is considered to be acceptable. The impact of the proposal on visual amenity is not to an extent to justify refusal."

Leon Jeffs who works at Le Monde based on Upper Street, Tettenhall, said: "Well it depends exactly when it's going to happen and what it's going to look like.

"I understand that these things have to go up to improve phone signals, but I personally don't have a problem with my signal when I'm at work.

"I think it needs to be made clear exactly what's happening and when so that residents and people that work around here can have their say."